Student ClubsStudent Clubs and Organizations

Southern Crescent Technical College encourages student participation and involvement in student organizations and activities related to their areas of interest and to the goals and objectives of the college.





  American Welding Society

Students are the future of the welding industry. The American Welding Society recognizes this. That is why we invite students, 希望扩大他们的焊接知识,并在他们的职业生涯中发挥更积极的作用, to get more involved with welding. 积极参与AWS学生分会提供知识, 成功的职业生涯需要经验和人脉. Participation in a Student Chapter can provide AWS Student Members valuable experience for career and personal development. 在全国各地的学校有超过100个AWS学生分会. Through Student Chapter participation, 您可以学习和提高在焊接行业取得成功所需的技能. 参与学生分会也会给你提供交流的机会. 在分会会议上与其他焊接学生和专业人士见面, local AWS Section meetings, and the FABTECH International & AWS Welding Show. Volunteer as a Chapter Officer and gain valuable leadership skills that will help throughout your career.


For more information visit the AWS site,或致电学生活动协调员联络 770-229-3049.

Cardio Vascular Technology Student Organization is the Southern Crescent Technical College’s Chapter of The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals (ACVP).  The mission of this organization is to meet the needs of all cardiovascular and pulmonary providers, 颁布标准和促进心血管专业的认可.  本章的宗旨是培养最高学术水平的学术奖学金, 促进心血管技术领域的研究和调查.  ACVP促进跨专业的继续教育,以促进高质量的心血管护理, 同时为心血管专业人士提供优秀的资源和网络.  To be eligible to join, 学生必须以全日制学生的身份注册心血管技术课程, and maintain a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; after acceptance into the program.


FBLA Collegiate是一个面向对商业感兴趣的学生的全国性组织.  它的目标是帮助学生培养领导技能、性格和自信.  FBLA Collegiate provides the students with opportunities to develop occupational competencies for business occupations, 并促进公民和个人责任感.  本组织的学生可以参加地方、州和全国的比赛.

FBLA Website:

For more information on this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

The Forensic Science Club creates an environment for those individuals that share a passion for crime scene investigations to include but not limited to ­fingerprinting, evidence, collection, death investigating crimes, and forensic chemistry and biology. The Forensic Science club will provide activities and events that include guest speakers from the ­field of forensic science, the conduction of mock crime scenes, escape rooms, and murder mystery dinners. This club provides a place for students to network and learn the ins and outs of forensic science and how students can use this knowledge to pursue a career in the ­field.

Keen On Being Excellent (K.O.B.E.) is a club that focuses on supporting and supports retaining male students from traditionally under served minority population. 这是一个由学生倡导者领导的中间阶层,分享如何成为并保持参与的想法, offer support services and intervention strategies, and motivate them throughout their college career.

The club help students identify career goals, hone leadership skills, and turn ambitions into action. The program provides a life-changing experience providing access to essential tools to excel in future and make changes in the world. As a member of the NSLS, students become part of a community of success-driven, 有机会接受专业领导力培训的志同道合者, exclusive scholarships, an online job bank, networking events, a celebrity speaker series, enhancement of your professional resume, and more.

NSNA是一个国家级和州级的学生专业组织. 该组织促进护理职业的标准和道德. The club promotes the development of the skills that students will need as responsible and accountable members of the nursing profession. Students will advocate for high-quality, evidence-based, affordable, and accessible health care, contribute to advances in nursing education, 并为当地和全州的需求参与社区充实工作. The students can attend webinars, conferences, lectures, 以及其他州级和国家级的活动,免费或收取少量费用.


本俱乐部对所有南新月技术学院护理专业的学生开放. The club has a membership fee of $21 for the chapter and $37 for the national organization which is paid directly to NSNA at

The National Technical Honor Society is a national, 非营利组织,旨在表彰优秀的劳动力教育十大网赌平台推荐和专业. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,每年在全国各地的中学和大专分会有000名活跃会员. 自1984年成立以来,已有近100万名学生成为北师大校友. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides close to $300,000 in scholarships annually, 并努力帮助将教育和工业联系起来,以建立一支高技能的劳动力队伍.

The requirements for membership in the NTHS Chapter at Southern Crescent Technical College are below:

  • Must be a diploma or degree seeking student
  • Must have a cumulative academic average of 3.5 or higher

Candidates will receive a membership certificate and will be recognized during the graduation ceremony by the College’s approved designated honorary regalia.

For more information visit the NTHS site ,或致电学生活动协调员联络 770-229-3049.

Page Turner的读书俱乐部是一个对所有教职员工和学生开放的十大网赌平台推荐俱乐部. 我们远程见面,以小组的形式讨论我们刚刚读完的书.  我们尽量选择最新的书,但要足够短,以免与学生的学习相冲突.   读书俱乐部的成员可以在任何时候为将来的阅读推荐书籍.  我们对这本书有很多不同的观点和解释,进行了很好的讨论.    We  hope  you  will  join  us,  享受一本新书,认识一些和你分享故事的人.

The purpose of this organization is to provide an opportunity for students of Southern Crescent Technical College to grow academically and as a team.  他们的重点是为我们的社区提供医疗保健, increasing awareness of Respiratory Care careers, 并与其他医疗保健提供者合作,提高对呼吸系统健康问题的认识. Respiratory Care Club Membership is open to all students in the respiratory care program at Southern Crescent Technical College.  The club does not require dues to be paid by members.

扶轮青年服务团是扶轮社赞助的学生组织, which provides an opportunity for all students…

  1. to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal and professional development;
  2. 处理社会的需要、问题和机会;
  3. to recognize the dignity and value of all occupations as opportunities to serve our community; and
  4. to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.

Rotaract’s mission is “Service Above Self.”

For more information on this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

SkillsUSA, Inc. is a student professional organization that consists primarily of students in technical and health occupations programs. SkillsUSA members participate in activities that promote leadership and professionalism through competitive events at the local, state, and national levels. SkillsUSA的领导层由俱乐部官员和一名指导教师组成. For additional information, you can visit the SkillsUSA national website.

SkillsUSA是一个为工业服务的全国性学生组织, technical, and health occupation students. Leadership, dignity of work, good workmanship, citizenship, and respect for others are characteristics emphasized. 当地的优胜者参加地区、州和全国的比赛.

SkillsUSA Membership Form

Membership Dues: $15

For more information on this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a representative body of students composed of students from each diploma and degree program at Southern Crescent Technical College. The purpose of SGA is to foster the general welfare of students and to provide a link between the student body and the college administration. 由各个教学十大网赌平台推荐的代表组成, governed by an SGA Constitution, and led by a staff of elected student officers, SGA voices students’ issues concerning school policy, rules, and practices. SGA administers the student activity funds and contributes financially to support the projects of the other student organizations.

SGA also expends student activities funds providing entertainment and activities for the student body during the year and by providing financial support to other student clubs and organizations. SGA leadership consists of officers elected and appointed by Southern Crescent student body and Student Activities Coordinator, 经南新月职业技术学院院长批准. Faculty and staff volunteer to serve as Club Advisors.

For more information about this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049 or Director of Student Support Services at 770-229-3409 or through the Student Activities Coordinator Contact Form.

退伍军人俱乐部为学院的学生提供了一个机会, 谁是美国的退伍军人, 在大学的学术生涯中走到一起相互支持和友谊.  Membership is open to any currently enrolled Southern Crescent Technical College student who has served in any branch of the United States military – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard — for at least two years, followed by honorable discharge.

SVA的使命是为退伍军人及其家属提供资源, support, 在高等教育和毕业后取得成功需要宣传.  SVA是全球大学十大网赌平台推荐学生退伍军人组织的联盟. These member chapters are the “boots on the ground” that help veterans reintegrate into campus life and succeed academically.

十大网赌平台推荐的学生有机会在校内成立新的俱乐部和组织. 任何被批准的俱乐部或组织必须有一份完整的俱乐部和组织申请书, a prepared constitution, an identified Southern Crescent Technical College full-time faculty or staff member to serve as the advisor, and a clearly state educational purpose(s) of the organization with group objectives explaining the proposed charter.  此信息包必须提交给学生活动协调员并由其批准, the Director of Student Support Services, and the Vice President for Student Affairs must grant final approval prior to any club and/or organization having its first official meeting.

有关南新月学院学生组织的更多资料, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049 or Director of Student Support Services at 770-229-3409 or through the Student Activities Coordinator Contact Form.

Administrative Forms